the  Telegraph & Telephone Employees Cooperative Housing Society (T&TECHS) was registered on 25th January 1981 against Registration No. 4 under section 10 of the Cooperative Societies Act 1925 with the objective to layout, establish and maintain a residential colony with in the area of Islamabad for its members. Society Head Office is located at Sector F-11 Islamabad and its site office at Telegardens CDA Sector F-17/2. NOC of the Tele Gardens Scheme is duly approved by Capital Development Authority vide its letter No. CDA/APLW/UP-HS (90) MPCHS Volume-III/2003/491 dated 30.01.2008.The Layout Plan of the scheme is also approved by the Capital Development Authority through its letter No. CDA/PLW-UP (90)/ MPCHS/93/600 dated 18.02.2005.
The realization of the dream that is TeleGardens would not be possible without the honest exertions of a large team of executives, professionals, and staff. While it is not possible to recognize every one of them here by name, we proudly present you the leaders who keep our core team galvanized and focussed on the mission at all times.